Saturday, June 19, 2010

New Beginnings

Hello blogging world! Not quite sure yet what kind of direction this blog is going to take, but guess I am along for the ride now. Right now, in June 2010, at 22 years old, I feel like my life is FINALLY getting started. Yes I have already reached the 'famed' 21, yes I am already married, living in a foreign country, and have a dog. However, I feel like my life is just getting started. Why? I finally finished my college degree...something I have wanted ever since I knew what it was! I'm feeling like huge weight has been lifted off me, and I can finally see the rest of the world around me. I realize that at 22, it is normal to be just finished with college, but it has certainly been a long road to get here! Getting married after my freshman year (of course to my high school sweetheart, Adam...who happened to be in the middle of a 15 month deployment), moving across the country after my sophomore year, and then a few short months later across the Germany! I realized after being here for a year that my goals were just not being reached, so I decided to go back to my old university... Eastern Kentucky University (which I would highly recommend to anyone who asked) to finally finish my degree, and well...change my major for only the third time! Now that I am back in Germany with a degree in Globalization and International affairs what am I doing? Pretty much the same as before, but with the satisfaction of knowing my degree is complete!!! :D I still have no idea what I want to be 'when I grow up' but in reality, does anyone ever really know? So, for now, I'm going to do things I want to do, because I want to do them! For instance, travel the world, take part in a half marathon (or 10k, haven't quite decided yet...more like haven't gotten in shape yet!), get back into creating art, jewelry, and music, and appreciate life for all it has to offer. Though I do miss home and everyone there, I am loving being back in Germany, and look forward to whatever this year has in store! Well this might just be enough for an opening post...but I look forward to putting more out there...telling the blogging world, or whatever world, whatever I have to say.